The Fitness Benefits of Pokémon Go: How Gamers Are Getting Active

Women holding phone with pokemon go on

Pokémon Go has been more than just a gaming phenomenon; it’s also turned into a powerful motivator for fitness.

This game seamlessly blends augmented reality with physical activity, encouraging players to get outside and move.

The fitness benefits of Pokémon Go are impressive, especially for those who may otherwise struggle to stay active.

Here at East Park Gym you’ll even find two PokéStops and two Gyms to keep you active as you explore our historic Easthampstead Park estate.

Whether you’re a dedicated player or curious about how this game can help your fitness routine, let’s dive into what makes it so effective.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increased Physical Activity: Pokémon Go encourages players to walk, with studies showing significant increases in daily steps.
  • Accessible Fitness for Everyone: The game reaches people of all ages and fitness levels.
  • Health Benefits Beyond Steps: From mental wellness to heart health, Pokémon Go supports overall well-being.
  • Long-Term Potential: Although initial enthusiasm fades, Pokémon Go continues to provide opportunities for sustained activity.

Pikachu one of the main Pokémon Go characters on the game

How Pokémon Go Gets You Moving

Pokémon Go’s main gameplay requires players to walk to capture Pokémon and visit PokéStops. This has a direct impact on physical activity levels.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, players increased their step count by an average of 25%, equating to an additional 1,473 steps per day.

This is a significant boost for anyone looking to improve their daily movement.

However, it's important to stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings while playing.

A Fitness Gateway for All Ages

One of the most notable benefits of Pokémon Go is its accessibility. Unlike traditional fitness apps that tend to attract those already active, Pokémon Go has proven to engage more sedentary populations.

Research from Duke University highlights that the game is particularly beneficial for individuals who are overweight or lead sedentary lifestyles, increasing their daily steps by as much as 3,000.

This makes Pokémon Go an excellent tool for encouraging people who might not be drawn to conventional forms of exercise.

Mental and Physical Health Benefits

Pokémon Go’s fitness benefits extend beyond just physical activity.

Walking while playing the game can also improve mental health by reducing stress and increasing social interactions.

The game encourages outdoor exploration, which can lead to improved mood and cognitive function.

Additionally, more physical activity can lower the risk of heart disease and improve overall cardiovascular health.

The American Heart Association’s research suggests that these modest increases in activity could even reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by around 8%.

Women and man playing Pokémon go together outdoors

Long-Term Impact of Pokémon Go on Fitness

While Pokémon Go’s initial popularity has waned since its release in 2016, it still maintains a dedicated player base.

For those who continue to play, the game offers long-term fitness benefits by maintaining a habit of daily walking.

According to data from ongoing studies, even as interest in the game has ebbed, Pokémon Go continues to provide valuable opportunities for regular physical activity.

The game’s integration of real-world exploration keeps players engaged and moving over time.

Why Pokémon Go Is a Unique Fitness Tool

Unlike other fitness-focused apps that might feel like work, Pokémon Go blends fun with exercise.

The game’s reward system motivates players to keep walking, and the sense of adventure keeps them coming back.
The fitness benefits of Pokémon Go go far beyond just playing a game.

It promotes physical and mental wellness, making it a great tool for people of all ages.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, Pokémon Go offers a fun and engaging way to stay active.

If you haven’t tried it yet, why not explore the possibilities and see how this game can boost your fitness?

Plus, if you’re a member of East Park Gym or guest at Easthampstead Park, don’t miss the chance to enjoy a walk while you visit its PokéStops and Gyms.


FAQs Relared To: The Fitness Benefits of Pokémon Go

Q: What are the main fitness benefits of Pokémon Go?

A: Pokémon Go increases physical activity by encouraging players to walk, benefiting both physical and mental health.

Q: How many steps can I expect to walk while playing Pokémon Go?

A: Players typically walk an additional 1,000 to 3,000 steps per day. 

Q: Is Pokémon Go suitable for all fitness levels?

A: Yes, Pokémon Go is suitable for all fitness levels. The game encourages walking and exploring, allowing players to set their own pace. You can play it in a way that matches your comfort and physical abilities, making it a fun and inclusive way to stay active.

Q: Does Pokémon Go have long-term fitness benefits?

A: Yes, players who continue to engage with the game maintain higher physical activity levels over time.

Q: Can Pokémon Go help improve mental health?

A: Yes, outdoor exploration and social interaction while playing can reduce stress and improve mood.