Resistance Training Machines vs Free Weights [Guide]

Which is best for you? Find Out Here!

Resistance Training machines vs Free Weights featuring a man doing leg presses

Are you looking to improve your overall fitness and strength? If so then resistance training is a key component of any effective workout routine. 

However, there's a longstanding debate in the fitness world: should you use resistance training machines or free weights? 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the advantages and disadvantages of both, and help you determine the best approach for your fitness goals. 

As always, East Park Gym is here to support you on your fitness journey, offering a wide range of equipment and classes to meet your needs.


FREE DAY PASS AT EAST PARK GYM: Catering to both beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts we offer various classes and flexible scheduling options to support your health journey. Book a free day pass today.


What are Resistance Training Machines?

Resistance training machines are pieces of equipment specifically designed to target certain muscle groups.

These machines are commonly found in gyms, such as East Park Gym, and include options like the leg press, chest press, and lat pulldown machine.
They work by providing a fixed path of motion, allowing you to move a weight stack through a specific range of motion.

Benefits of Resistance Training Machines

  • Controlled movements and reduced risk of injury
    By guiding your movements along a fixed path, machines can help reduce the risk of injury, especially for beginners who may be unfamiliar with proper exercise techniques. 
    Machines can also provide a safer option for those with injuries or mobility issues, as they can often be adjusted to suit individual needs.
  • Targeted muscle isolation
    Machines often allow for greater muscle isolation, making it easier to focus on a specific muscle group and achieve muscle hypertrophy (growth). 
    For example, the leg press machine targets the quadriceps, while the chest press machine targets the chest muscles.
  • Ease of use for beginners
    With clear instructions and a limited range of motion, machines can be less intimidating for beginners compared to free weights. 
    Machines also require less coordination and balance, making them a good starting point for those who are new to resistance training.
  • Faster transition between exercise
    By simply adjusting the weight stack or seat position, you can quickly move from one exercise to another, making machines an efficient option for circuit training or busy gym sessions.
  • Consistent resistance throughout the range of motion
    Machines maintain the same level of resistance throughout the exercise, which can lead to better muscle stimulation and development.
    For example, the leg press machine provides constant resistance throughout the entire range of motion, compared to free weight exercises like squats, where the resistance changes depending on the angle of the movement.

Drawbacks of Resistance Training Machines

  • Limited range of motion
    The fixed path of motion may not suit all body types or sizes, potentially leading to discomfort or suboptimal muscle activation. 
    For example, a person with a longer torso may find it difficult to properly engage their chest muscles on the chest press machine.
  • Less versatile compared to free weights
    Machines usually target a specific muscle group, making them less versatile and potentially requiring more time and equipment to complete a full-body workout. 
    In contrast, free weights can be used for a wide variety of exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  • Potential for over-reliance on machines
    Relying too heavily on machines can lead to a lack of functional strength and underdeveloped stabilizer muscles.

It's important to incorporate other forms of resistance training, such as free weights or bodyweight exercises, to ensure a well-rounded workout routine.

Resistance Training Machines vs Free Weights

What are Free Weights?

Free weights, on the other hand, are weights that are not attached to a machine or fixed path of motion. 

Examples include dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells. Free weights require you to control the movement, balance, and stabilisation throughout the entire range of motion, which can lead to greater muscle activation and functional strength.

Benefits of Training With Free Weights

  • Greater activation of stabiliser muscles
    By requiring you to balance and control the movement, free weights engage more muscles and improve overall strength and stability. For example, performing bicep curls with dumbbells requires you to engage your core and stabiliser muscles in addition to your bicep.
  • Increased functional training benefits
    Free weights better mimic real-life movements and can help improve your functional strength and performance in daily activities or sports. For example, performing squats with a barbell can improve your ability to lift heavy objects off the ground.
  • More natural range of motion
    Unlike machines, free weights allow you to move through your body's natural range of motion, reducing the risk of developing imbalances or poor movement patterns. This can also lead to better muscle activation and development.
  • Better for compound exercises and full-body workouts
    Free weights are ideal for compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, which work multiple muscle groups simultaneously and burn more calories. These exercises can also help improve overall strength and functional fitness.
  • Easier to track progress and make adjustments
    With free weights, you can easily track your progress by increasing the weight or reps, allowing for more precise and personalized programming. This can help you achieve your fitness goals more effectively.

Drawbacks of Training With Free Weights

  • Increased risk of injury if not used properly
    Incorrect technique or lifting too heavy can lead to injuries when using free weights.
    It's important to learn proper form and technique before adding weight, and to start with lighter weights to build strength and confidence.
  • Greater learning curve for beginners
    Mastering proper form and technique with free weights can take time and may require guidance from a personal trainer or experienced gym-goer. 
    It's important to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form before progressing to heavier weights.
  • Requires more space and equipment
    Free weights often need more space for storage and use, which can be a constraint in smaller gyms or home workout areas.
    Additionally, using free weights may require additional equipment like a weight bench or squat rack.
  • Slower transitions between exercises
    Changing weights or setting up for a new exercise can take longer than adjusting a machine, which may affect workout efficiency.

How to Choose Between Resistance Training Machines and Free Weights

When deciding between machines and free weights, consider the following factors:

Assess your fitness goals
Are you aiming for muscle building, fat loss, athletic performance, or injury prevention? Each goal may be better supported by a specific type of resistance training. For example, if your goal is to build muscle mass, using resistance machines may be more effective at isolating specific muscle groups. Alternatively, if your goal is to improve overall strength and functional fitness, free weights may be a better option.

Evaluate your experience level
Beginners may find machines more approachable, while advanced exercisers may prefer the versatility and challenge of free weights. If you're new to resistance training, focusing on machines first can help you build confidence and learn proper technique before progressing to free weights.

Consider your workout preferences
Do you prefer solo workouts or group classes? Are you pressed for time or have limited equipment availability? These factors can help guide your choice. For example, using resistance machines may be more efficient for a busy gym session, while free weights may be better suited for a longer, more focused workout.

Combining Machines and Free Weights for a Balanced Workout

In reality, most people will benefit from a combination of both resistance training machines and free weights.

Incorporating both types of equipment into your workout routine can provide a balanced approach that targets different muscle groups, improves functional strength, and reduces the risk of injury.

For example, you might start your workout with compound free weight exercises like squats and deadlifts, then move on to machine-based isolation exercises to target specific muscle groups.

This approach ensures you get the best of both worlds and can help you reach your fitness goals more effectively.

Resistance Training Machines vs Free Weights | What Do We Think?

Ultimately, the choice between resistance training machines and free weights comes down to personal preference, fitness goals, and experience level.

By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can make an informed decision and create a workout routine that works best for you.

Ready to put your newfound knowledge into practice?

Head to East Park Gym and explore our 7 bespoke fitness areas, including free weights, fixed resistance, cardio, functional, core, spin, and studio spaces.

With flexible scheduling options and a variety of classes, we cater to both beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts in Bracknell, Wokingham, and Berkshire.

To learn more about our facilities or to discuss membership options, contact us at or call 01189 747 585.

Our expert trainers are always on hand to provide guidance and advice to help you achieve your fitness goals, and we offer personal training and group classes to suit every level and preference. 
Get started today and discover the benefits of resistance training for yourself.


FREE DAY PASS AT EAST PARK GYM: Catering to both beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts we offer various classes and flexible scheduling options to support your health journey. Book a free day pass today.


Frequently Asked Questions About Machine Training vs Free Weight Training

Q: What are resistance training machines
A: Resistance training machines are pieces of equipment specifically designed to target certain muscle groups, ­­providing a fixed path of motion. Examples include leg press, chest press, and lat pulldown machines.

Q: What are free weights?
A: Free weights are weights that are not attached to a machine or fixed path of motion, requiring you to control the movement, balance, and stabilization. Examples include dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells.

Q: What are the advantages of resistance training machines?
A: Resistance training machines offer controlled movements, reduced risk of injury, targeted muscle isolation, ease of use for beginners, faster transition between exercises, and consistent resistance throughout the range of motion.

Q: What are the advantages of free weights?
A: Free weights provide greater activation of stabilizer muscles, increased functional training benefits, more natural range of motion, better for compound exercises and full-body workouts, and easier tracking of progress and adjustments.

Q: What are the disadvantages of resistance training machines?
A: Resistance training machines have a limited range of motion, may not fit all body types and sizes, are less versatile compared to free weights, and can lead to over-reliance on machines.

Q: What are the disadvantages of free weights?
A: Free weights come with an increased risk of injury if not used properly, a greater learning curve for beginners, more space and equipment requirements, and slower transitions between exercises.

Q: How do I choose between resistance training machines and free weights?
A: Consider your fitness goals, experience level, and workout preferences when deciding between machines and free weights. A combination of both may provide the most balanced approach for many individuals.

Q: Can I combine resistance training machines and free weights in my workout routine?
A: Yes, incorporating both types of equipment into your workout routine can provide a balanced approach that targets different muscle groups, improves functional strength, and reduces the risk of injury.