Unlocking The World Of Strongman | How To Build Strength, Power, And Resilience

Man pushing tyre during strongman workout

Ever wondered how Strongman athletes develop such incredible power? Let’s explore.

Strongman training isn’t just for competitions; it can transform your overall strength.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strongman isn’t just about brute strength; it’s a complete workout regimen.
  • This training builds not just muscles, but also mental toughness and endurance.
  • Incorporating Strongman techniques can significantly improve your fitness journey.
  • Discover how to start Strongman training and its many benefits.

What is Strongman Training and Why Should You Care?

Strongman training is a multifaceted discipline focused on overall strength. Unlike traditional weightlifting, Strongman exercises mimic real-world movements.

It’s about lifting, carrying, and pulling awkward objects like tyres and stones. This form of training targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it highly effective.

It also helps you develop functional strength. This means the strength you gain can be applied to everyday tasks.

Imagine lifting heavy groceries with ease or carrying furniture without breaking a sweat. Strongman isn't just for athletes; it's for anyone looking to enhance their physical capabilities.

Moreover, Strongman training builds resilience. The varied, high-intensity exercises push your limits, improving both mental and physical endurance.

When you conquer a challenging Strongman workout, you’ll feel a sense of achievement that boosts your confidence in other areas of life.

How Can Strongman Training Transform Your Body and Mind?

Strongman training offers a unique blend of physical and mental benefits. The most obvious advantage is increased strength.

However, this type of training goes beyond just bulking up. It improves cardiovascular health, as many Strongman exercises are dynamic and require sustained effort over time.

Mental toughness is another key benefit. Completing a gruelling Strongman session teaches you to push through discomfort. This mental resilience translates into other aspects of life, helping you face challenges head-on.

Furthermore, Strongman training enhances balance and coordination. Lifting and moving irregular objects require precise control. This helps improve your body’s stability, reducing the risk of injury both in and out of the gym.

Women showing of her flex muscles after strongman workout

Is Strongman Training Suitable for Beginners?

Yes, beginners can absolutely start Strongman training. The key is to start with manageable weights and gradually increase the load.

Unlike what you might see in competitions, you don’t need to lift enormous weights from the start. Begin with lighter versions of typical Strongman exercises.

For instance, you can start with medicine ball lifts instead of sandbags. Use barbells for overhead pressing instead of heavy logs.

Over time, as your strength and technique improve, you can increase the weight and complexity of your exercises.

It’s important to focus on proper form. Poor technique can lead to injuries, especially when dealing with heavy weights.

If possible, train under the guidance of a coach who can help you learn the correct techniques from the beginning.

What Equipment Do You Need for Strongman Training?

Strongman training requires some specialised equipment which we have housed here at East Park Gym, but you can start with basics.

The most common items include barbells, tyres, sandbags, and kettlebells.

Barbells are used for deadlifts, a fundamental Strongman exercise. Tyres and sandbags simulate lifting and carrying odd-shaped objects.

If you’re training at home, you can improvise with what you have. For instance, use a heavy backpack for carrying exercises.

A large water container can substitute for a sandbag. As you advance, you can invest in more specialised equipment like yokes or stones.

Training in a gym with Strongman equipment is ideal. This gives you access to a variety of weights and tools to continuously challenge yourself.

Plus, the gym environment provides a community of like-minded individuals who can offer support and motivation.

Man and women working out with sandbags a popular strongman technique


Strongman training is more than just lifting heavy objects; it’s a comprehensive approach to building strength, power, and resilience.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, incorporating Strongman techniques can elevate your fitness game.

With the right mindset and equipment, anyone can start this transformative journey.

We hope this insight into Strongman training has sparked your interest in giving it a try.


FAQs Related To Unlocking the World of Strongman

Q: What is the main focus of Strongman training? 

A: Strongman training focuses on building functional strength using compound exercises.

Q: Can Strongman training help with weight loss? 

A: Yes, it can, as it combines strength training with cardiovascular activity.

Q: Is Strongman training safe for women?

A: Absolutely, Strongman training is beneficial and safe for women when done correctly.

Q: Do I need a lot of equipment to start Strongman training? 

A: No, you can start with basic equipment and gradually add more as you progress.

Q: How often should I train in Strongman style? 

A: Two to three times a week is a good starting point, allowing for recovery.